Dear Friends of the TW Baja retreat land,
You are invited to the Baja Retreat Land that needs our help!
Incredible Work Party Weekends to clean & restore the Gar, starting this weekend!
Work dates: Oct 10-12, October 17-19th and October 24-26th
Room and board provided in exchange for an amazing time together. Some work, practice and fun as well ... Go up Friday or Saturday, and come back Sunday.. each weekend ahead for all of October!!
The road is now passable with a regular car. Rides will be available leaving from Todos Santos and San Jose del Cabo on Friday/Saturday and returning Sunday. Please contact TW Secretary (Jimena) to find out where /who will be going from your area.
Bring sleeping bags, food, gloves, any tools, cleaning materials, saws & your fantastic positive energy! Prepare to have a great time! Our Geko, Nanay, is coordinating the work effort and marvelous progress is already happening ... but more people are needed, we need you- please all come!! Also if people have certain skills and would like to come for a longer time please do. Bring tools up if local…. or just yourself if fly in from a distance.

A fantastic opportunity to be together helping the Gar, in harmony and nature for the Dharma to flourish…! Tsegyalgar West is a magical place and this is what can bring us together.. out of the difficulty comes the renewal -a great purpose to come together!
Contact our secretary at
Please share this with others you know as we do not have everyone's email so do pass this forward, thank you!! Look forward to all being together for this special time.
Best wishes and big thanks,
TW Baja Gakyil
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