Retreat with Elio Guarisco on Outer Rushen and
Mandarava Long Life Practice
October 30 - November 4
We are pleased to host a wonderful Dzogchen Instructor at Tsegyalgar West, our secluded retreat center in the San Jose del Cabo mountains. Rushen or Korde Rushen (Tib.) means “Separating Samsara from Nirvana” i.e., distinguishing our natural state from the neurotic and dualistic states of mind that stem from conditioning habits. Outer Rushen —a unique method of the Dzogchen teaching—is one of the best way to experience one’s natural state of self-perfection. Elio will also teach the Mandarava Long Life practice, a terma of Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. Yantra yoga sessions and Vajra dance will also be available. There will be two sessions of teaching a day with ample opportunity to practice.
About Elio Guarisco

Elio Guarisco grew up in Northern Italy, received a M.A in Art, and travelled to India to study Buddhism. He spent ten years in Switzerland, studying Tibetan and deepening his knowledge of Buddhist philosophy. At the invitation of the late Kalu Rinpoche, Elio spent another 20 years in India working on the
Encyclopedia of Indo-Tibetan Knowledge (
Sheja Kunkhyab) authored by Kongtrul the Great. He was the main translator for several books related to this project, all published by Snow Lion Publications. Elio joined the Dzogchen Community in 1986 and received teachings from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. Since then, he continues to actively collaborate with the Dzogchen Community and especially with the International Shang Shung Institute for Tibetan Studies in Italy, of which he is a founding member.
To register for the retreat, you can
(2) Tuition: early bird (before 10/25) $175; $200 if paid after October 25th
(3) Register the first day of the retreat (regular rate $200), payable Oct 30th - During 10am - 2pm registration
(4) Day rate $30 usd (Calculate 12.25 for exchange rate into pesos)
(5) Meals and lodging are separate. Please register early!
(6) Camping and casitas available on first come first serve basis
If you are a member of TW, please apply the standard discount of 40% to the tuition (80% for sustaining members and 50% for new and reduced members). Meals and lodging are not discounted. Scholarships available, please
contact the secretary.
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