Saturday, November 24, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
DHARMA Public Talk in Todos Santos
December 18th, 7pm at La Arca
"The Five Aggregates and Primordial Wisdom"
A discussion the five aggregates of human being in relation
to the three paths of liberation: sutra, tantra and dzogchen.
Also San Jose del Cabo Public Talk
December 19th (TBA)
Also San Jose del Cabo Public Talk
December 19th (TBA)
DECEMBER 20 to 23rd 2012
DECEMBER 20 to 23rd 2012
Together we will study and apply powerful methods of
purification to help clear the path toward liberation.
Any interested practitioners may participate. Retreatants
are encouraged to follow the transmissions of Chogyal
Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.
Dr. Jim Valby has been a student of Dzogchen Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu since 1982. He earned his doctorate in Far Eastern Studies under Herbert Guenther at the University of Saskatchewan in 1983, focusing on the texts of Shrisingha and Vimalamitra. He participates in Dzogchen Community projects helping to prepare English translations from Tibetan texts. He has taught the essence of the theory and practice of Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen in more than 157 retreats at 61 locations in 27 countries. He is an authorized instructor for the Base, First and Second Levels of SantiMaha Sangha (SMS). He lives in Western Massachusetts, USA
Monday, October 22, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
OCTOBER 11-23rd
Visit to Tsegyalgar West
Dzogchen Teachings and Practice
![]() |
Mexico City Retreat and Dharma Talk |
Dr. Grigory Mokhin is a Buddhist practitioner since 1991. He received
his first Buddhist teachings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1991
and his first Dzogchen teachings from Chogyal Namkhai Norbu in 1992.
In 2002 he was authorized to teach by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.
his first Buddhist teachings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1991
and his first Dzogchen teachings from Chogyal Namkhai Norbu in 1992.
In 2002 he was authorized to teach by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.
Since that time he gave classes and retreats on theory and practice of
Dzogchen in several countries in Europe and America, including Italy,
Russia, Ukraine, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina etc.
Dzogchen in several countries in Europe and America, including Italy,
Russia, Ukraine, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina etc.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Upcoming Retreats & Events 2012/13
OCTOBER 11-23rd, 2012
Grisha to visit Tsegyalgar West - Opening of the Gar
Also in Todos Santos, TBA for dharma
24 October to 5 November :
Carolina Mingola Teaches Yantra Yoga
Talk & Demo in Todos Santos.
World Wide Transmission
Adzom Drugpa Anniversary
Adzom Drugpa Anniversary
November 22-30th
Longde Sangha Retreat with webcast
Longde Sangha Retreat with webcast
DECEMBER 7 to 13th, 2012
Chod Sangha Retreat with webcast
December 8th
Rimpoche's birthday Ganapuja & long life practice
and a little party or open house
December 18 to 23rd 2012
Rimpoche's birthday Ganapuja & long life practice
and a little party or open house
December 18 to 23rd 2012
Retreat with Jim Valby on
17 December Public talk in Todos Santos
December 26 to January 1
Holiday Sangha Group Retreat
Vajra Dance TBA
Michael Katz on DREAM
YOGA in Todos Santos
Feb 8-11:
Dream Yoga Retreat at TW
Dream Yoga Retreat at TW
Feb 11th
Losar party at the Gar! Happy Lunar New Year!
Losar party at the Gar! Happy Lunar New Year!
Feb 15-25th
Mandarava Chudlen Sangha retreat with webcast
Mandarava Chudlen Sangha retreat with webcast
5 March - 2 April
Nina Robinson teaches Mandarva and Chod
Nina Robinson teaches Mandarva and Chod
Group practice retreats
APRIL 26-28th
Rimpoche's retreat in Mexico City
Rimpoche's retreat in Mexico City
May 1-3, 2013
Teachings form the book of CHNN :
Teachings form the book of CHNN :
"Life, Birth and Death" In Todos
Santos TBA
MAY 8-12
Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
Dzogchen Teachings TBA
MAY 13-20
Song of
the Vajra Dance part II
with Bodhi Krause at the Gar
(The first part will be in Mexico city
on April 8-14.)
Please contact us for more information:
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
May Practices at the Gar and in Todos Santos, BCS
photograph by laurie pearce bauer
We are planning a Full Moon Ganapuja
next Saturday, May 5th at Tsegyalgar West.
Please join us!
Todos Santos Practices
Mondays at 2pm
Guru Yoga of the White Ah
and CHOD practice/study
Thursdays 1:30 Vajra Dance
at La Arca on Topete
near the Todos Santos Inn
Email for directions and information
Friday, April 20, 2012
Photographs from last Retreat
What a wonderful retreat we had with Costantino Albini at Tsegyalgar West. He is clear, insightful, warm and a great dharma practitioner/teacher. The right amount of practice and teachings blended contemplation and integration of the dzogchen teachings of Chogyal Nankhai Norbu Rinpoche. Anya Neyman led us in Vajra Dance every afternoon which was a treat. The weather was perfect and the food superb thanks to Monica. Thanks to all who helped to make this happen!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Costantino Albini, Anya Neyman - Dzogchen Teachings, April 2012
APRIL 3, 2012 6pm Public Dharma Talk
The Teachings of the Dzogchen Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
With Costantino Albini, visiting instructor
Dharma talk at La Arca, Todos Santos
(Free or by donation)
Upcoming Retreats:
APRIL 4 to 10, 2012 at Tsegyalgar West
Contemplation Practices in the Dzogchen Tradition
Retreat with Costantino Albini on the land“Dance of the Three Vajras”
Retreat with Anya Neyman on the landAPRIL 8 , 2012
Tsegyalgar West OPEN HOUSE
with Costantino Albini and Anya Neyman
at Tsegyalgar West
APRIL 13-15, 2012
Vajra Dance - The Six Spaces of Samatabhadra
Course with Anya Neyman at Tsegyalgar West
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Santi Maha Sangha & Vajra Dance Retreat March 8th - 11th
Tsegyalgar West - Rancho los Naranjos
San Jose los Cabos, B.C.S., Mexico
March 8-11, 2012
Santi Maha Sangha & Vajra Dance Retreat
The Dzogchen Transmission and Guruyoga
With Jakob Winkler and Anya Neyman
Please contact us for more information:
Please contact us for more information:
Saturday, February 18, 2012
February Teaching Schedule at the GAR
“Santi Maha Sangha Assistance for Practitioners of Base and 1st Level in personal retreat”
FEBRUARY 16 TO 19, 2012
“Instruction and Practice on the main Methods of the Dzogchen Tradition¨ Retreat with Jakob Winkler
FEBRUARY 24-26, 2012
“Vajra Dance course. The Six Spaces of Samatabhadra" Course with Anya Neyman at Tsegyalgar West
MARCH 4, 2012
OPEN HOUSE at the Retreat Center with instructors Jakob Winkler and Anya Neyman at Tsegyalgar West
MARCH 6, 2012
“Connecting/discovering with the Natural State of Rigpa”
Jakob Winkler, public talk, at “La Arca” Todos Santos. At 6pm
MARCH 7, 2012
TIME: 8pm MST by webcast with Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
MARCH 8 TO 11, 2012
“GURU YOGA - Working with Transmission for Discovering the Natural State”
Also: “ Vajra Dance of the Three Vajras”
Retreat with Jakob Winkler and Anya Neyman at Tsegyalgar West
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Vajra Dance at the GAR February 24-26
We are pleased to offer a Vajra Dance Course:
Six Spaces of Samantrabadhra
Please bring a water bottle and socks for the mandala.
In the Dzogchen teachings the word Vajra means our true nature, the true status of all phenomena. The dance of Vajra is an important method that uses the sound and the movement to integrate the three aspects of our existence - body, energy and mind - in that knowledge. It is a very special and effective practice to restore the natural condition of our energy and harmonize our whole being. The dance is performed on a Mandala of the five colors accompanied for music and the singing of the Mantra of the six spaces of Samatabhadra (the Primordial Buddha, symbol of our real nature). In 2011 the Vajra dance was recognized by the UNESCO World Heritage for humanity.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
2012 Event Schedule
FEBRUARY 16 TO 19, 2012
“Instruction and Practice on the main Methods of the Dzogchen Tradition¨
Retreat with Jakob Winkler at Tsegyalgar West
FEBRUARY 17 TO 19, 2012
“Vajra Dance course. The Six Spaces of Samatabhadra"
Course with Anya Neyman, at “La Arca” Todos Santos, BCS
Vajra Dance weekly practices in Todos Santos, BCS.
Monday and Thursday afternoons. Information:
FEBRUARY 24-26, 2012
“Vajra Dance course. The Six Spaces of Samatabhadra"
Course with Anya Neyman at Tsegyalgar West
MARCH 4, 2012
OPEN HOUSE AT the Retreat Center
with instructors Jakob Winkler and Anya Neyman at Tsegyalgar West
MARCH 6, 2012
“Connecting/discovering with the Natural State of Rigpa”
Jakob Winkler, public talk, at “La Arca” Todos Santos. At 6pm
MARCH 7, 2012
TIME: 8pm MST by webcast with Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
MARCH 8 TO 11, 2012
“GURU YOGA - Working with Transmission for Discovering the Natural State”
Also: “ Vajra Dance of the Three Vajras”
Retreat with Jakob Winkler and Anya Neyman at Tsegyalgar West
APRIL 3, 2012
“The Teachings of the Dzogchen Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu”
Costantino Albini, public talk, at “La Arca” Todos Santos. At 6pm
APRIL 4 to 10, 2012
“Contemplation Practices in the Dzogchen”
Also: “ Vajra Dance of the Three Vajras”
Retreat with Costantino Albini and Anya Neyman at Tsegyalgar West
APRIL 8 , 2012
with instructors Costantino Albini and Anya Neyman
at Tsegyalgar West
APRIL 13-15, 2012
“Vajra Dance course. The Six Spaces of Samatabhadra"
Course with Anya Neyman at Tsegyalgar West
For Info:
2012 event schedule,
Tsegyalgar retreats
Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center
Baja Ca Sur has a Dharma Center named Tsegyalgar West situated on Los Naranjos Road in the San Jose Mountains. The beautiful ranch was given to the International Dzogchen Community, under the direction of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche in 2003. Since then he and his senior students have been giving teachings such as Yoga Yantra, the sacred Dance of the Vajra, various tantric practices such as Mandarava, Chod, Ganapuja and practices of Dzogchen which are pure awareness practices.
Dzogchen teachings are also known as Ati-yoga, or Primordial Yoga. The word yoga is used as the equivalent Tibetan term naljor, which means awareness of the authentic condition of each individual at the core (without layers of ego). Dzogchen teachings have been transmitted through the culture of Tibet. Now in recent years they have spread around the world.
Tsegyalgar West, in the San Jose Mountains is a rustic retreat center. This beautiful and wild 3,000 acre land has natural springs, granite boulders, grand vistas and deep quiet for retreat.
There are 12 casitas available for sleeping and camping bathhouses as well. The mission is to preserve the Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhist teachings and preserve a very special and natural environment for spiritual practice.
This year Tsegyalgar west invites everyone interested to special retreats, practices and introductory talks. There will be several retreats on the retreat land from February to May 2012. Public introductory talks will be held in Todos Santos with each visiting teacher. Please see schedule of events or the web site for more information.
Tashi Delek! Auspicious wishes!
Tsegyalgar West, San Jose del Cabo Mountains, BCS Please contact for more information:
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Vajra Dance Todos Santos, Jan 20-22
"TheVajra Dance of the Six Spaces of Samatabhadra"
Instructor: Anya Neyman
Place: LA ARCA Center, Todos Santos BCS
Dates: January 20-22, 2012
Friday 1/20 h: 3: 00-5: 00 pm
Saturday 1/21 h: 10: 00 am -12: 30 and 1:00-3:00 pm
Sunday 1/22 h: 1: 00 pm -3 pm and 4: 00-6: 00 pm
Costs: 800 to 1000 pesos for all three days (sliding scale)/ or 200 per session
(50% discount on the course for DZC members. No one turned away for lack of funds)
In the Dzogchen teachings the word Vajra means our true nature, the true status of all phenomena. The dance of Vajra is an important method that uses the sound and the movement to integrate the three aspects of our existence - body, energy and mind - into that knowledge. It is a very special and effective practice to restore the natural condition of our energy and harmonize our whole being.
In the Dance of the Six Spaces of Samantabhadra twelve practitioners, six females
and six males, dance together on a large Mandala of five colors which represents the
correspondence between the internal dimension of the individual and the outer dimension
of the world. They are accompanied by music and the chanted melody of the Mantra of
the Six Spaces of Samantabhadra (the primordial Buddha, symbol of our real nature).
In 2011 the Dance of Vajra has been recognized by UNESCO as humanity world heritage.
For more information:
To register contact:
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