Elias Capriles
November 21, 2016 Public Talk
San Jose del Cabo, BCS
San Jose del Cabo, BCS
“Buddhism, Dzogchen and Transmission”
“Budismo, Dzogchén y e sentido de la Transmisión”
Place and Time
Buddhism and Dzogchen:
The Innermost Essence
of the Buddhist Teachings
con Elias Capriles
The Innermost Essence
of the Buddhist Teachings
con Elias Capriles
November 22, 2016 Public Talk 7 p.m.
Quatro Vientos en Todos Santos
Quatro Vientos en Todos Santos
Dzogchen explained in the context of the most basic and universal of all Buddhist teachings, which is that of the Four Noble Truths —among which the Fourth, rather than being explained in terms of the Eightfold Noble Path, will be explained in terms of the Three Paths of Liberation. Afternoon talk
Budismo y Dzogchén:
La Quintesencia de las Enseñanzas Budistas
con Elias Capriles
Lectura 7 pm
Quatro Vientos en Todos Santos
Noviembre 22, 2016
La Quintesencia de las Enseñanzas Budistas
con Elias Capriles
Lectura 7 pm
Quatro Vientos en Todos Santos
Noviembre 22, 2016
El Dzogchén explicado en el contexto de la enseñanza más básica y universal del budismo, que es la de las Cuatro Nobles Verdades —entre las cuales la cuarta, en vez de explicarse en términos del Óctuple Noble Sendero, se explicará en términos de los Tres Senderos de Liberación.
November 23rd 2016, WWT
Anniversary of Azom Drugpa
Quatro Vientos en Todos Santos
Anniversary of Azom Drugpa
Quatro Vientos en Todos Santos
Explanation and Transmission via live web-cast
Practitioners of the world wide community join together to receive the Dzogchen transmission from Namkhai Norbu Rimpoche. Open to all who are sincerely interested in the ancient knowledge of the Dzogchen Tradition.

Retreats at Tsegyalgar West
Nov 24- 25, 2016
The Whole of Dzogchen in the Base of Santi Maha Sangha
con Elias Capriles
con Elias Capriles
La Totalidad del Dzogchén en la Base del Santi Maha Sangha
The retreat is for both new people and experienced practitioners
November 25 to 27, 2016
Weekend Rushen Retreat
con Elias Capriles
con Elias Capriles
Semzins and Ruxen, Outer Ruxen afternoon practice in the arroyos
An extraordinary opportunity !
An extraordinary opportunity !

Elías Capriles is a Santi Maha Sangha Teacher appointed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, whom he met in 1977 in Boudhanath. He practiced Dzogchen in retreats on the Himalayas between 1977 and the end of 1982, after receiving Tregs chod instructions from H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and Dungse Thinle Norbu Rinpoche. He also received teachings and transmissions from H.H. Dilgo Khyentse, Dodrub Chen Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche and Pema Norbu Rimpoche. He is retired from the Chair of Eastern Studies at the University of The Andes, Mérida, Venezuela, where he taught Philosophy, Buddhism, Asian Religions, Globalization and Asian Aesthetics and Arts.