Webcasts of Teachings
The most accurate place to view the webcast schedule is Rinpoche's calendar at www.melong.com Most of Rinpoche's teachings are available by Open Webcast.
Transmission of Guru Yoga
Transmission of Guru Yoga directly from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu via live internet is available three times a year on special world-wide live transmission dates where the entire world wide community participates at the same time.
To listen to a webcast go to the actual Dzogchen Community Webcast site: Dzogchen.net for World-Wide Transmission connection via the internet. Individuals planning on participating in the WWT for the first time are invited to attend an explanation at home via speaker phone hook-up before the actual WW Transmission or with local sangha in person. The dates and hook up information are posted a few weeks before the transmission. Participants for the first time will also need either the practice book, Guruyoga (the practice is in the back of the book), or DVD. Please contact the Shang Shung Bookstore at the link provided below to purchase.
Dates for Live 2016/2017 Webcasts:
MARCH 11-12, 2017, Anniversary of Garab Dorje.
AUGUST - TBA, 2017, Anniversary of Padmasambhava & Yeshe Tsogyal.
NOVEMBER - TBA, 2017, Anniversary of Adzom Drukpa.

The easiest way to become a new member is online at: tsegyalgarwest.org Look under the menu item "Get involved" then "Membership"
To renew your existing membership:
Direct link to the IDC website www.dzogchen.net
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